Hello fellow 40k enthusiast!
Now that you bought your ticket to attend World Team Championship, first of all welcome to the WTC community. Did you join the WTC discord community and checked out WTC social media yet?
You might also have some questions about what do to next?
The first thing we suggest for you to do is arrange your trip to Mechelen, Belgium.
You can find more details on how to get to Mechelen and a list of the hotels we have looked up for you here. There are even details about parking at the venue if you are driving by car!
Now that you know where all the cool kids hang out, you should know when to show up. For that we created a page that has the timetable and dates of the WTC and Warmaster GT here.
Now that the location is set, the lights and scenery ready to go; is your army ready? Did you check the rules of the event?
For both WTC and Warmaster GT, your army needs to be fully painted, also on most up to date bases and you should definitely read through the rulespack and faq at least once. There is even a terrain map document which will be exactly replicated at the event!
But “what else do i need to do to prepare for the event?” you might ask, which is a good question dear WTC/Warmaster GT attendee.
Do you remember filling your BCP e-mail address when purchasing your ticket? We are currently working on a system that will register you to the tournament on BCP automatically, more on that later.
But you need to submit your list well before the event.
Keep an eye on the date thats written in the rulespack for cut-off dates for publications, list submission deadlines and also list corrections.